The best of the best 2018


Para español haz click aquí. Is it possible to concentrate in 4 minutes the best jobs of 1 whole year? To make this slideshow I have put in the blender a lot of emotions, a handful of feelings and a lot of unrepeatable moments. We sweeten all this with the love of all couples, who have

The best of the best 20182019-01-30T23:52:52+00:00

Best Wedding of the Year International award


Very happy to announce that Inspiration Photographers has awarded Walter and Irene's Wedding with international award as one of the best Inspiration wedding stories. I'm even happier to be one of the 9 European photographers that received this award and among 49 from all around the world that has been awarded who opted in "Golden Lens"  in the

Best Wedding of the Year International award2018-05-21T00:33:29+00:00
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